19001 Somerston
Lathrop, CA
For Public Information Requests
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Phone: (209) 941-5107
Email Hailey Salazar: hsalazar@lmfire.org
Senate Bill 272 amended the California Public Records Act to require local government to create a "Catalog of Enterprise Systems" and to make this catalog publicly available upon request. Furthermore, the law requires that the catalog is posted on a local governments website.
The law was signed by the Governor in 2015 and was meant to create an open and transparent form of communication regarding how government stores information. It also provides a means for the public to request more specific information by being more forth coming in how information is "cataloged" or stored in government records keeping systems.
Specifically exempted in the law are the systems that the fire district uses for 911 emergency response.