Employment and Volunteer Opportunties

Picture of Firefighters at Job Fair

The Lathrop Manteca Fire District is working to meet the needs of our employees, demands of serving development, and the expectations of our communities. If you are a service oriented professional that puts the needs of others above yourself, then we want you! The open positions below help you get started with our team. We're here for you and looking to build a place that professionals want to be.

We offer the following:

  • Secured Retirement- The San Joaquin County Employees' Retirement Association (SJCERA) is one of California's premier "Defined Benefit" retirement systems. If you're looking for a secure future after your working years or don't want to be capped at 90% of your wages by another system, this may be your reason to join the LMFD! 
  • Social Security Contributions- The LMFD pays into social security on your behalf. This is a force multiplier and a rarity in public service! When combined with our SJCERA system a retiring employee can choose to take a social security advancement. Having these kinds of options at retirement is huge benefit for our employees. In some cases it can offset a complete year or two by allowing you to retire earlier!
  • Financial Incentives- When you take on more technical skills we pay you for them...currently up to 17.5% more!
  • Education Incentives- Do you have a degree? If so we'll pay you up to 5% more for that as well.
  • Fully paid Health Insurance- Depending on your choice of PERS administered health plans, the LMFD will cover 100% of the PERS Platinum PPO Plan for you and your qualifying dependents. If you're not sure about the PERS Platinum and want to choose another plan, then you only pay the difference between the two if its more, and if the cost is less than the PERS Platinum you still pay nothing. In a world of complicated bargaining agreements we make it easy to understand your healthcare out of pocket costs, and easily those could be zero!
  • Retiree Health Benefits Options- Employee's at retirement have the option to take their unused sick leave and convert them into health benefits. Employee's earn 216 hours of sick leave per year. By converting 24 hours of leave for 1 month of retiree health insurance employees with 20 years on the job can retire with 15 years of health insurance with no out of pocket expenses! 

Still not convinced? Here's a link to our employee compensation reporting to the state.


Volunteer/Reserve Firefighter Opportunities

  • Volunteer/Reserve Firefighters receive a financial stipend to help offset costs of their volunteer efforts at $150 per shift.

If you or someone you know is interested in a career change, or an opportunity to serve the emergency response needs of the public, then follow the link below to our Human Resources Page.  

Open Opportunities

Position Classification Filing Deadline
Volunteer/ Reserve Firefighter (Apply Here) Continuous
Fire Board Vacancy (Apply Here) February 7, 2025

*The LMFD is using the Firefighter Candidate Testing Center (FCTC) list to assist in firefighter recruitment. For more information: Click Here 

If you have any questions, please call the Board Secretary Hailey Salazar at (209) 941-5107.  Please submit completed applications for the Fire Board vacancy to Hailey Salazar, via e-mail at hsalazar@lmfire.org

Follow this link to the Human Resources Page for additional information.