19001 Somerston
Lathrop, CA
Phone: (209) 941-5100
Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
For Public Information Requests
Email Hailey Salazar: hsalazar@lmfire.org
The LMFD is a strong proponent of regionalization of services where it makes sense. Regionalization simply looks at what is best for the community, and what makes the most economical use of taxpayer resources.
In some cases entire local and municipal government's have performed complete mergers to unlock a better return on investment for their taxpayers. Essentially this creates economies of scale to more efficiently utilize dollars.
The Lathrop-Manteca Fire District is a forming partner with the San Joaquin County Regional Fire Dispatch Authority. The Authority is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) formed under California Government Code Section 6500 et seq. The JPA provides dispatch services for the City of Stockton, City of Manteca, City of Lodi, the South San Joaquin County Fire Authority (Tracy Area), and the Lathrop Manteca Fire District. The JPA is a relatively new organization and currently contracts with the City of Stockton Fire Departments' ECD for services.
The fire district also has partnerships that extend to the California Office of Emergency Services and California Interagency Incident Management Team 1. The partnerships utilize the fire districts expertise in emergency response and emergency management. In addition, this relationship allows firefighters with the LMFD the opportunity to learn a larger role in emergency response management. All this experience provides a better service to our taxpayers while the State of California Office of Emergency Services reimburses the fire district for costs. Consider it a training program that leverages the States dollars for a better local emergency responder. It is truly a "win-win" partnership thus utilizing the taxpayer dollar more efficiently. Cal OES says it best when they say it is really "Neighbor Helping Neighbor."
The following organizations have been effectively using a regional approach:
Alameda County Fire
Contra Costa County Fire
Santa Clara County Fire
Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District
Marin County Fire
Orange County Fire Authority
Ventura County Fire